Query Builder in BO – Additional Queries

I have already shared complete details on the Query builder CMS tables in the below blog https://dwbicastle.com/2014/01/27/query-builder-in-bo-browse-query-bo-repository/ here added additional queries to get more details from the CMS. To get cluster server details: SELECT SI_CLUSTER_MEMBERS FROM CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_ID=4 To get public folder and their subfolder details. SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE SI_PARENTID=23 Public folder…

BO 6.5 Repository Tables

BO 6.5 repository has 3 different domains and each one has different set of tables to hold the respective information in tables. These tables are exactly same as the database tables. Security Domain Document Domain Universe Domain Security Domain has 25 tables. 1. OBJ_M_ACTOR 2. OBJ_M_USRATTR 3. OBJ_M_DOCCST 4. OBJ_M_GENPAR 5. OBJ_M_MAGICID 6. OBJ_M_RESLINK 7.…

Index-aware prompt in SAP BI 4.o IDT

Index Awareness is the ability to take advantage of the indexes on key columns to speed up data retrieval. An index-aware prompt takes advantage of indexes on key columns in tables when accessing lists of values. You can define the index-aware prompt in IDT parameter section so that when running the query, you can see…