Azure Fundamentals Free Certification Voucher

Microsoft is providing free Azure Fundamentals certification voucher once you register & complete the 2 days training. Microsoft is providing much more Free vouchers based on the training you enroll in the below link. Please use this opportunity to enhance your cloud knowledge & experience and get certified.

Cloud Computing Services – Software as a Service (SaaS)

The term “cloud” is essentially a representation for Internet and Business / marketers have further commercialized the phrase “in the cloud” to refer to software, platforms and infrastructure that are sold “as a service”, i.e. remotely accessible through the Internet. Typically, the service providers has actual energy-consuming servers which host products and services from a…

Basics of Cloud Computing

Before going to Cloud we should know why Cloud computing comes in place. If you are an End user, you should have an Application (Software, Tools, Web Application, etc.,) and you have to maintain your application, upgrade on time and also need proper support to run your job successfully. If you are a business man,…